Monday, April 14, 2014


A couple of years ago, I semi-successfully managed to have beans and tomatoes on the balcony. I intended to try again last year, but the weather was so weird for so long that it was May before I knew it, and too late to really try.

This year, we're trying again.  We bought some more pots, lots of dirt, a few young plants, a few seeds, found the leftover seeds from 2 years ago... and I planted stuff almost a month ago.  I actually started several seeds in a seedling starter tray at that time, but it went moldy and I ended up throwing the tray away in case there was something catching and weird about it.  I've restarted the seeds, but they're almost 2 weeks behind where I hoped they'd be.

Grape tomatoes, sage and rosemary were acquired as young plants.  They all seem to be doing well - the tomatoes have produced some yellow flowers, the sage is bushier than it used to be, and the rosemary has contributed a few sprigs to a couple of meals.

The peas I planted a few weeks ago seem to be doing just fine - the fragile-looking tendrils are grasping hold of each other and the bamboo stakes I've placed for them.

I've got a few sprouts that are destined to become sweet peas, beans, cherry tomatoes and basil. There were also some pansies (now fading) and daffodils (the blooms were unfortunate victims to a week of suddenly windy weather).  Here's to hoping for some home-grown veggies and flowers for the summer :)

Grape tomato

Sage, with a backdrop of rosemary

Sugar peas. There's actually two pots of these.

Baby basil. Three pots of these.

Bean sprouts!

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